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The United Kingdom is Ready for Out of Court Divorce

By: Celia Conrad I was delighted to attend the UK launch of the Amicable Divorce Network at the Divorce Out of Court Bootcamp on 12 April. It was a real pleasure to meet founder Tracy Ann Moore-Grant and to catch up with some familiar faces and to meet new ones. The Bootcamp could not have…

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Amicable Divorce Network Launches Organization in United Kingdom

It was a beautiful sunny day in London for the launch of the Amicable Divorce Network in the United Kingdom and our Divorce Out of Court Bootcamp. We could not have asked for a better group of professionals to come together and prioritize helping people and improving the experience of family law. Special thank you…

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Amicable Divorce Network Brings Out of Court Divorce to the United Kingdom

The Amicable Divorce Network is excited to be expanding into the United Kingdom! Suzy Miller, the host of the Best Way to Divorce TV show in the United Kingdom interviewed Amicable Divorce Network founder, Tracy Moore-Grant, regarding out-of-court divorce and the United Kingdom training event scheduled for April 12, 2024 in Central London. Suzy Miller…

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 The Amicable Divorce Network : another option for low conflict divorce

By Andrew Hatherley, CDFA® Recently, I joined the Amicable Divorce Network (ADN) as a founding member for the State of Nevada. The ADN is an international network of vetted professionals committed to helping parties through the divorce process in a low conflict and efficient manner. Differing from collaborative divorce in several important ways, the organization…

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Gray Divorce & Amicable Solutions with Andrew Hatherley, CDFA

Join us for this Amicable Divorce Discussion with Amicable Divorce Network member, Andrew Hatherley. Andrew is a CDFA and host of the Gray Divorce Podcast. This discussion focuses on how those divorcing over 50 will benefit from an efficient out of court process offered by Amicable Divorce Network. Andrew Hatherley is the founder and CEO…

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Tracy Coenen helps you find hidden money in divorce!

Uncover your spouses’s hidden accounts and prepare financially for your new life. Even if you’ve never looked at your family’s financials before, the Divorce Money Guide empowers you to get the settlement you deserve.Tracy Coenen is a nationally recognized CPA and forensic accountant. She focuses on finding hidden money in divorce cases. Tracy’s work has…

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How the New Jersey Judicial Crisis Opens a Pathway to Amicable Divorce

with New Jersey attorney & mediator, Kristin Lis Join us for this Amicable Divorce Discussion with New Jersey attorney and mediator, Kristin Lis. Kristin takes us inside the New Jersey judicial crisis and explains how the lack of judges being appointed has lead to a backlog statewide in family law cases. With little access to…

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The Pitfalls of DIY Divorces: How Legal Professionals Can Guide the Process

Navigating Divorce Amidst Court Delays: The Amicable Divorce Solution

In recent years, there has been a growing trend towards do-it-yourself (DIY) divorces. The allure of cutting costs and simplifying a typically complex legal process has led many couples to attempt to navigate the divorce landscape on their own. Internet resources, online guides, and downloadable forms have made it seemingly easier for individuals to forgo…

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